Letter from Doreen Rue, HSNT CEO
Letter from Doreen Rue, HSNT CEO
What drives quality? How do our patients and community stakeholders measure effectiveness? These questions are top of mind for HSNT as we develop robust processes to ensure the highest level of quality as measured by effective treatment plans that patients can manage and adopt.
John Ruskin, an English philosopher and writer defines quality in this way, “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution.”
HSNT providers and front-line team members will tell you that intentional relationship building, and trust are the first step in creating quality, effective treatment plans that patients can adopt and affect change.
Next is sincere effort from the front desk to the provider, one of HSNT’s patients recently had this to say about their care, “Everyone has been helpful, professional and shows care. I couldn't ask for more from a health facility.”
HSNT seeks intelligent direction through the adoption of new technology that provides actionable insights and empowers data driven patient insights.
As you read through HSNT’s first quarterly Impact Brief, you will read accounts of skillful execution that gave Melissa the tools to reduce her A1C by almost half, a pediatric team that is focused access and the success of patients focused on achieving a healthy weight.
Working together with our patients, community stakeholders, and donors we are seeing improved health outcomes that drive quality, effective care. If you are already part of that story, thank you; if not, consider joining us.