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Family Planning

Family Planning in Denton, TX

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What is family planning?

Do you need guidance about family planning? At Health Services of North Texas (HSNT), we have a dedicated team of women's health practitioners and family physicians offering comprehensive reproductive health services to educate you on how to best plan for your family now and in the future. We provide guidance on preconception health, including how to best start a family, when to plan for another new baby, and preventing pregnancy between babies. Our family planning services are for both partners, which can include:

  • Well-woman examinations
  • Physical examinations
  • Blood-hormone analysis
  • Sexually transmitted infection and disease testing and treatment
  • Assessments for infertility
  • Recommendations on when to see a specialist if you are having difficulty getting pregnant

You may qualify for a reduced cost family planning services. Focusing on preconception health now and in the future is a great way to give your family a healthy start. now and for in the future is a great way to give your family a healthy start. If you would like to learn more about what you qualify for in family planning at HSNT, please call or reach out to us online for a confidential appointment.

Trouble CONCEIVING Your baby?

If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving a baby, our providers can offer you basic fertility testing and blood work, educate you on ovulation cycles, and discuss other situations that may be relevant causes of infertility. We can also perform a sonogram of your female reproductive organs to see if you may have an ovarian cyst, an abnormal uterus, or a combination of reproductive problems that may be the cause. Privately, we can discuss your options. You and your partner may need a referral to see a fertility specialist. In that case, we can be a resource for you and make that referral when needed.

What are the Benefits of Family Planning?

HSNT is an excellent choice to receive family planning services because we provide confidential and comprehensive care to women. Our dedicated staff has helped countless families who struggle with fertility issues, and we are here to help you too. This includes providing education about reproductive health, as well as access to the latest treatments and technologies. We understand that starting or growing a family can be a sensitive time in your life, which is why we offer compassionate and individualized services for each of our patients.

Am I a Candidate for Family Planning?

Family planning is available to almost any woman or couple who wants to learn more about their options for starting, growing, or completing their family. Ideal candidates for family planning services in North Texas include those patients who are:

  • Finding it difficult to get pregnant
  • Planning ahead for their first baby
  • Ready to have another child
  • Desire a temporary or permanent birth control solution

What Are Symptoms of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy manifests itself through a variety of physical and hormonal changes in a woman's body. Early signs of pregnancy can include missed periods, which is often the first noticeable symptom. Some women may also experience implantation bleeding, which occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Other common early symptoms include breast tenderness and swelling, fatigue, and increased urination due to hormonal shifts and the growing uterus putting pressure on the bladder. Nausea and morning sickness are also prevalent, often occurring in the early weeks and sometimes lasting throughout the first trimester. Some women may experience food cravings or aversions, heightened sense of smell, and mood swings due to fluctuating hormone levels. Additionally, a pregnant woman may notice a darkening of the areolas, or the area around the nipples, as well as mild abdominal cramping as the uterus expands. It's important to note that not all women experience the same symptoms, and they can vary in intensity and duration from person to person.

We also have birth control options

You can also request information on birth control options if you are not ready to start a family right away. We have contraception options for both men and women at HSNT. It is our hope that by having an opportunity to plan your family will make a difference in your everyday life.

Family Planning FAQ

What are the five types of family planning?

When it comes to the contraceptive side of family planning, we typically talk about five types. These forms of family planning are as follows:

  • Short-acting hormonal contraception
  • Long-term contraception
  • One-time barrier contraception
  • Permanent contraception
  • Emergency contraception

Is family planning right for me?

Family planning allows patients to have their desired number of children, whether that be through contraception or fertility treatments. If you're thinking of growing your family — or want to keep yours at its current size — consider scheduling a consultation at Health Services of North Texas today to learn about our reproductive health services.

When is the right time to start family planning care?

There is no right or wrong time to seek assistance in your family planning journey - whether you are just starting to think about pregnancy but aren't quite ready to become pregnant, or you have already had children and want to plan for more children or would like to avoid becoming pregnant again.

How is infertility treated?

Infertility treatment can work in a variety of ways, depending on the patient's unique needs of their body. During your consultation, our staff will listen to your questions and concerns before conducting an in-depth analysis of your body in order to create the treatment plan that will work best for you.

Can my partner be involved in family planning?

Absolutely. Patients and their partners are encouraged to both be involved in family planning care to ensure both partners are informed and engaged in such an intimate and personal journey. However, we understand that every person's and family's situation is unique, and our caring team is here to provide personalized care and treatment options that align with your needs.

How soon can I become pregnant after starting family planning?

There are many variables that may influence how soon you may conceive - including your own personal preferences. Our team will work closely with you and your partner, if desired, to help you grow or maintain your family on your desired timeline. Keep in mind, however, it is not always possible to conceive at a planned time.



For Your Family Planning Needs

HSNT can support you and your family in the decisions of having a baby. We can educate you about fertility issues, birth control options, and how to be in great health to get pregnant. Our Denton South Center located in Medical City Denton in Denton, TX features board-certified nurse practitioners that specialize in women’s healthcare, reproductive health services, and family planning. Request your appointment today.

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