How Often Should You Have Prenatal Visits?
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expectant mothers. Prenatal care appointments allow healthcare professionals to track the progress of the pregnancy, screen for any issues, and offer valuable advice and support. So, how often should these prenatal visits occur in Denton?
While every pregnancy is unique, most providers recommend booking visits once a month in the first and second trimesters. In the third trimester, appointments should be scheduled every two weeks until 36 weeks, then once per week until delivery. Our Denton County board-certified nurse practitioners and midwives are here to support you and your growing family at every step.
The first trimester (weeks 1 – 12)
Women first discover their pregnancies during the first trimester. Expectant mothers should establish a relationship with a healthcare provider and start receiving prenatal care as soon as possible. The first visit usually occurs between weeks 6 and 8 of pregnancy.
During your first appointment, our nurse practitioners will take a comprehensive health history, including details about your pre-pregnancy health and family medical history. We also perform a physical exam and order blood work to check for underlying conditions or potential risks.
Appointments should continue to occur once a month in the first trimester to ensure everything is progressing as it should. We can provide information about managing pregnancy symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this crucial period of development.
The second trimester (weeks 13 – 28)
The second trimester is sometimes referred to as the "honeymoon period" of pregnancy. In this stage, women feel more energized, symptoms like morning sickness may subside, and the baby's movements become more noticeable. Expectant mothers should continue to book prenatal appointments once a month.
At Health Services of North Texas, we offer routine ultrasounds during the second trimester to monitor the baby's growth and development. Our nurse practitioners and midwives will also check your blood pressure, weight, and other vital signs as necessary.
The third trimester (weeks 29 – 40)
As the due date approaches, prenatal visits happen more frequently. In the third trimester, appointments are scheduled every two weeks until 36 weeks, then once a week until delivery. During these appointments, our nurse practitioners will provide support and preparation for labor and delivery. This includes discussing pain management options and creating a comprehensive birth plan. We want to ensure you feel confident and prepared to bring your new bundle of joy into the world.
What if there are complications?
Complications can happen at any time, and regular prenatal appointments allow healthcare professionals to identify and address them early on. If there are concerns, more frequent visits may be necessary. Rest assured that we are experienced in managing high-risk pregnancies and will work hard to ensure the best possible outcomes.
In addition to regular prenatal appointments, it is essential to pay attention to any changes in your body or symptoms that may arise. If you experience severe pain or bleeding, do not hesitate to contact our office right away.
Book your first prenatal visit
Pregnancy should be an exciting and joyful time. By following the recommended schedule of prenatal appointments and paying attention to your body, you can ensure a smooth pregnancy in Denton County.