Community Health Centers: How HSNT Helps You and Your Neighbors
As a Community Health Center (CHC) Health Services of North Texas has a unique impact on the health of the people of the North Texas metroplex. Sometimes, that impact might not be immediately visible, like if you were to pick up litter in your local park. However, health is the foundation of every person and affects all aspects of their life – not just the physical. And visible or not, HSNT’s work has an impact that is keenly felt by the people who receive our quality, affordable care. Let’s learn about the many ways HSNT works to improve the lives of our North Texas neighbors!
CHCs had their beginning decades ago, when the first community health centers were launched in 1965. Today, federally-funded community health centers serve over 25 million children and adults—more than one in twelve people—in over 10,400 urban and rural locations. Last year, HSNT in particular served 12,840 unique patients. Men, women, and children from all walks of life came to receive care. With prescription medications alone, HSNT was able to provide over seven million dollars’ worth of medicines to our patients in 2019.
As said before, HSNT doesn’t just provide medical care, either. With our team of amazing case managers, we work to improve all aspects of our patients’ lives. James Knigge, for example, started seeing HSNT in 2014 at our Collin County Medical Center. In his struggles with managing his HIV diagnosis, he became homeless after the death of his partner, but despite this hardship, James was still able to reach out to HSNT and get the help he needed. Working with case managers Julie Baez and Samuel Below, James found an apartment he could afford and got help finding the medicine that he needed.
Community health centers work as best we can to meet all of the needs of our patients - physical, financial, mental, and more. Our impact is felt most among the neediest of our North Texas neighbors, but that impact spreads throughout the rest of the community as our patients get healthier. As the saying goes: a rising tide lifts all boats. At some point in life, everyone will need a hand up in one form or another, and community health centers like HSNT rise with that tide to meet the need.