Six Reasons To Keep Up With Family Immunizations

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When you think of immunizations, children may be the first thing that comes to mind. While childhood vaccinations are certainly an essential tool for building a strong immune system and preventing a number of diseases, children aren’t the only ones who need to be vaccinated. From HPV prevention in teens to protecting elderly patients from Shingles, immunizations are important at every age. The dedicated team of physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants at Health Services of North Texas is committed to keeping patients, their families, and our communities safe by providing a full range of family immunizations in Plano, Denton, and Wylie, TX. Read on to learn more about the importance of keeping up with vaccines throughout your life.


What are immunizations for?

Immunizations provide essential protection against a long list of dangerous viruses and resulting conditions. Not only do immunizations guard the patient, but they also help to slow the potential spread of a virus within the community. Some of the most important vaccinations today include:


  • Chickenpox vaccine
  • Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine
  • Flu vaccine
  • HPV vaccine
  • DTaP vaccine
  • Polio vaccine
  • Meningitis vaccine
  • Rotavirus vaccine
  • Tetanus shot
  • Zoster vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Hib vaccine


Why are vaccines important?

The benefits of vaccines for children and adults are virtually endless for the patient, his or her family, their community, and the world as a whole. Six of the most compelling reasons to keep up with your family’s immunizations are:


1. Vaccines keep you healthy.

First and foremost, immunizations prevent the patient from contracting a potentially dangerous or even deadly disease. In children, vaccinations help to build immunity and provide essential protection at an early age.


2. Vaccines keep your loved ones healthy.

When you are vaccinated, you greatly reduce the risk of potentially exposing your family to a virus. Not only does this help to keep your household safe and healthy, but it also protects the community as a whole.


3. Your school may require it.

Most day cares, schools, and colleges require their students to have certain vaccinations. For example, universities often require young adults to be vaccinated against meningitis before living in a dorm-style environment on campus.


4. Preventing disease is better than treating it.

By simply staying up to date with your vaccines, you can avoid the expense, discomfort, and potential complications associated with contracting a virus and having to treat it. In fact, many vaccines protect against diseases for which treatment is exceptionally difficult and/or expensive.


5. You may be at risk for serious complications.

Getting the flu may not be particularly dangerous for the majority of people, but some patients experience severe complications, including death, after contracting the flu. This is often due to increased risk factors related to an underlying condition. Sometimes, however, there is no obvious reason for a more severe case of the flu. By receiving vaccines, high-risk patients can avoid a much more serious problem.


6. Vaccines help to eradicate diseases.

Thanks to vaccines, diseases that were once prevalent and extremely dangerous – such as smallpox – no longer exist. By continuing to vaccinate against current viruses, we are helping to eliminate their existence for future generations.


Keep your family and community safe and healthy with regular immunizations in Denton and Collin counties

Without a doubt, getting vaccinated is the easiest, most effective, and most reliable way to prevent disease. To learn more about which vaccines you and your family need and when you should be vaccinated, call one of our convenient Health Services of North Texas locations in Plano, Wylie, or Denton, TX to schedule a consultation today. We look forward to giving you and your family the peace of mind you deserve with childhood, family, and adult immunizations.