Make an Appointment with Health Services of North Texas


Request a Telehealth or In-Person Appointment at one of our Health Services of North Texas locations. Please complete the form below and an HSNT scheduling team member will get back with you within 24 hours.
It is important to provide a good phone number and be sure to answer our call so we can connect you to care. 


We look forward to serving you and your Family!

Make an appointment

Complete and submit the following form, and a team member will contact you. Most cases the same day if received during business hours.


Keep in mind that HIPAA prevents us from communicating about your medical care via email at this time. Please call our office to discuss medical care.



Health Service of North Texas’ sliding fee scale discount is updated annually on April 1st based on the income guidelines set by the US Department of Health and Human Services. This update may change the price you pay for the services provided. Please request more information from our Medical Center Receptionist or ask to speak with a Patient Service Coordinator if you have any questions. We ask that you not delay necessary medical attention for financial reasons.